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Death in Venice

Diapason d'or
Diapason d'or

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1. (keine angaben) - vorspann
2. Rock, duncan - death in Venice op. 88
3. My mind beats on (1. Akt)
4. Who's that?
5. Gone, he's gone
6. Hey there, hey there, you!
7. Ouvertuere: Venice
8. Ah serenissima!
9. Mysterious gondola
10. We are delighted to greet the signore
11. So i am led to Venice once again
12. The lido is so charming, is it not?
13. How does such beauty come about?
14. The wind is from the west
15. Le bele fragole
16. Ah, how peaceful to contemplate the sea
17. Adziu, adziu!
18. As one who strives to create beauty
19. Aou'! Stagando, aou'!
20. Naturally, signore, I understand
21. There you are, signore, just in time
22. I am become like one of my early heroes
23. A thousand apologies to the signore
24. Beneath a dazzling sky the sea...
25. First, the race!
26. The boy, tadzio, shall inspire me
27. Orchestrale einleitung (2. Akt)
28. So, it has come to this
29. Guardate, signore!
30. Do i detect a scent?
31. 'Rumours of cholera in Venice officially denied'
32. Careful search now leads me to them
33. Kyrie eleison
34. O voluptuous days
35. Gustav von aschenbach, what is this path you have
36. This way for the players, signori!
37. La mia nonna always used to tell me
38. Fiorir rose in mezo al giasso
39. Ah, little tadziu
40. One moment, if you please
41. In these last years
42. So it is true
43. So - I didn't speak!
44. Receive the stranger god
45. Do what you will with me!
46. Yes! A very wise decision, if i may say so
47. Hurrah for the piazza
48. Does beauty lead to wisdom, phaedrus?
49. The wind still blows from the land
50. Ah, no!



Label Naxos
Editeur Outhere distribution france
Distributeur Outhere distribution france
Code-barres 0747313557752
Durée 02:22
Format vidéo 4/3, 16/9
Format audio
Langues anglais
Sous-titres anglais
Date de sortie 12/10/2018
Type d'édition Simple
Nombre de disques 1 DVD musical
Poids 120g


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