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Mass (Double réédition remasterisée digipack)

Artiste : Leonard Bernstein
Musique sacrée / Classique
Sony classical - 2021 - 2 CD audio
Interprète : Alan Titus, Maurice Peress
Collectivité : The Norman Scribner Choir, The Berkshire Boy Choir
Compositeur : Leonard Bernstein
Chef d'orchestre : Leonard Bernstein
Présentation éditeur

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Sony Classical est fier de célébrer les 50 ans de "Mass", le chef d'oeuvre monumental de Leonard Bernstein composé en 1971, dans une édition remasterisée de deux CDs ! Commandé à la demande de Jacqueline Kennedy pour l'inauguration du Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C en 1971, Mass se hisse au rang des plus grands chefs d'oeuvre de Leonard Bernstein. Loin d'être un simple arrangement musical de la liturgie latine, la messe catholique romaine de Bernstein est un événement théâtral largement éclectique. Un chef d'oeuvre qui place ce rite religieux vieux de 400 ans dans un dialogue tendu et dramatique, avec de la musique et des paroles en langue vernaculaire du XXe siècle. Une dialectique loin d'être anodine, qui entendait à l'époque explorer la crise de la foi et l'effondrement culturel de l'ère post-Kennedy. Véritable pièce avant-gardiste, la MASS reviendra au Kennedy Center en septembre 2022 à l'occasion du 50ème anniversaire du Kennedy Center. Un anniversaire que Sony Classical célèbre avec la sortie de cette superbe édition remastérisée de 2 CDs, en collaboration avec le bureau de Leonard Bernstein. Plus encore, cette édition comprend aussi un livre, des photos et fac-similés inédits, un synopsis, un livret et de nouvelles notes de pochette. La pièce sera dirigée par Francesca Zambello, directrice artistique de l'Opéra National du pays de Galles, et interprétée par le National Symphony Orchestra et Will Liverman, lauréat du prix Marian Anderson 2020.


CD 1 :
1. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: I. Devotions before mass, 1. Antiphon: kyrie eleison
2. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: I. Devotions before mass, 2. Hymn and psalm: "a simple song"
3. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: I. Devotions before mass, 3. Responsory: alleluia
4. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: II. First introit (rondo), 1. Prefatory prayers
5. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: II. First introit (rondo), 2. Thrice-triple canon: dominus vobiscum
6. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: II. Second introit, 1. In nomine patris
7. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: II. Second introit, 2. Prayer for the congregation
8. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: II. Second introit, 3. Epiphany
9. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: IV. Confession, 1. Confiteor
10. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: IV. Confession, 2. Trope: 'I don't know'
11. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: IV. Confession, 3. Trope: easy
12. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: V. Meditation No. 1, orchestra alone
13. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VI. Gloria, 1. Gloria tibi
14. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VI. Gloria, 2. Gloria in excelsis
15. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VI. Gloria, 3. Trope: half of the people
16. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VI. Gloria, 4. trope: thank you
17. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VII. Meditation, orchestra alone
18. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: VIII. Epistle "the word of the lord"
19. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: IX. Gopel-sermon "god said"
CD 2 :
1. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: X. Credo, 1. Credo in unul deum
2. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: X. Credo, 2. Trope: "non credo"
3. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: X. Credo, 3. Trope: "hurry"
4. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: X. Credo, 4. Trope: "world without end"
5. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: X. Credo, 5. Trope: "I believe in god"
6. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XI. Meditation (de profundis, part 1)
7. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XII. Offertory (de profundis, part 2)
8. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XIII. The lord's prayer, 1. Our father...
9. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XIII. The lord's prayer, 2. Trope: "I go on"
10. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XIV. Sanctus "Holy! Holy! Holy!
11. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XV. Agnus dei "agnus dei"
12. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XVI. Fraction: "things get broken"
13. Mass, a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers: XVII. Pax: communion "secret songs"


Pays Etats-Unis
Label Sony classical
Editeur Sony music classique jazz
Distributeur Sony music entertainment
Durée 01h49
Code-barres 0194398905624
Date de sortie 27/08/2021
Type d'édition Double réédition remasterisée digipack
Nombre de disques 2 CD audio
Inclus 1 livret
Poids 240g


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